What is the caregiving burden model?

Senior Care in Bloomfield Hills MI can often lead to caregiver burden, which is the stress that caregivers perceive due to the home care situation. Subjective burden is considered to be one of the most important predictors of negative outcomes in the home care situation. This large amount of time spent caring has a strong impact on the lives and health care of caregivers, who are often elderly or sick, and often causes a decline in socialization and greater isolation, not only from their friends, but also from their children and distant family members, who are often unaware of the gradual increase in caring responsibilities. Given the measured prevalence of the burden of caregivers in Singapore, it would be a matter of great concern if the burden of caregivers would translate into worse clinical outcomes for patients and an increase in healthcare costs. The researchers found that while caregivers are generally only slightly less physically healthy than family members who don't care for them, they reported depressive symptoms much more frequently, pointing to a negative effect on their mental health.

The potential risk of compromising the health of caregivers due to the demands of the position is movingly exemplified in a highly publicized Canadian story (known as the Latimer case), in which a father made the extreme decision to kill his disabled child. The objective burden is an observable, concrete and tangible cost to the caregiver for caring for the person receiving it. The caregiver's perception of the burden, rather than the perception of other family members or health care providers, determines the impact on their life. Caregiver burden and a worse quality of life are related to occupational loss or decreased participation in significant activities. Once an article was considered to meet the requirements, YXL and SY extracted the data independently using a standardized information extraction format that included the authors, the year of the study, the populations studied (including the size and characteristics of the population), the instrument for measuring caregiver measures, prevalence, predictive factors, and the impact of the burden borne by caregivers.

A comprehensive multidimensional model based on previous research and theories is needed to guide future research in the area of caregiver health. Intervention studies to improve the outcomes of caregivers of people with serious illnesses have focused primarily on the burden placed on caregivers by Alzheimer's disease. As a group, caregivers of children with cerebral palsy will likely experience a wide range of demands, allowing theoretical constructs to be widely applied to families of children with many different developmental disabilities. In particular, caregivers of people with functional, cognitive, and behavioral deficiencies appear to be at greater risk of burden. When seeking help, many caregivers feel too emotionally distressed to benefit from didactic training or to participate in the complex problem solving required for effective promotion, long-term care planning and self-care.

The main objective of this review is to summarize the prevalence of the burden that caregivers represent and their measurement scales, predictive factors and the impact on Singapore. The dynamic nature of the caregiver profession could then be empirically addressed, which would help to understand what stages caregivers actually go through and how these stages and the transitions between them can be facilitated, which could reduce the likelihood of negative health outcomes related to specific points along a dynamic continuum. Second, its widespread use allows healthcare providers to standardize information about the burden placed on caregivers and to easily compare the results obtained in different studies.

Margaret Bevacqua
Margaret Bevacqua

Amateur zombie lover. Infuriatingly humble bacon specialist. Wannabe tv geek. Incurable beer advocate. General coffee ninja. Friendly pop culture maven.